Shaklee vs Competition
One test is how quickly the vitamins and nutrients get into your body.
With Shaklee every supplement is designed with science, research
and maximum bio availability in mind. We have had customers that have
used other brands of products and seen undissolved vitamins in there
stool. Below is an X Ray or vitamins being undissolved in the intestines.
Shaklee scientists spend a lot of time developing Shaklee products. The products continue
to be tested every time they are manufactured from raw material to finished product, this
extensive testing on bio availability and absorption. Shaklee conducts over 100,000 quality
tests per year on ingredients to assure customers are getting the very best products.
See how the Shaklee Vita-Lea breaks down and gets into your body
so it can do what it is suppose to do. Vita-Lea has 7 clinical studies
behind it.
Thanks to Rick Seymour for this great explanation on customer Loyalty
and The Shaklee difference.
Below is an example of undigested vitamins that simply don’t get into your
system to do the work they are suppose to do.