March 9th, 2012
Congratulations Shawn and Carmen Gray
New Presidential Master Coordinators
North Dakota and Beijing, China
Congratulations to Shawn and Carmen Gray new Shaklee Presidential Master Coordinators!
As Presidential Master Coordinators, Shawn and Carmen will receive, among other perks, exquisite jewelry designed especially for our Presidential Masters, automatic qualification to attend the annual Dream Incentive Trip, and exclusive convention recognition. Check out Shawn and Carmen’s story and what they’ve been doing to reach this ultimate achievement in Shaklee.
It is really an exhilarating feeling to reach Presidential Master! It’s a goal we’ve been working to accomplish since the new rank was announced and we feel honored to join this group of leaders – we’re very excited! At the same time we are humbled and filled with gratitude. Gratitude for the opportunity Shaklee provides all of us, and incredibly grateful for our wonderful partners all over North America and Greater China.
This last year we continued to use the “oldest trick in the book” to create success – we worked very hard! It’s been really rewarding to see so many people reaching toward their dreams on a daily basis and putting their hearts into sharing the Shaklee story every single day. There are so many people that want a positive change in their life regardless of what country they live in. They simply need someone to stand up confidently, provide leadership and vision, and share how they can accomplish that change.
Once you decide the price you’re willing to pay, you must make a long-term commitment. Not just months, but years. It’s quite a change living in a country where we know very little of the language. And we’ve been exposed to all kinds of new things and have truly come to love Chinese people and Chinese culture.
It’s been a priceless life experience for us, and to have our son grow up learning Chinese and English is a gift that will benefit him for the rest of his life. We’ve been fortunate enough to create thousands of new partners all over China and those relationships (in Chinese it’s called “guan xi”) will last a lifetime. We’ve also been able to experience all the other benefits of growth, including greater income. Last month alone, we earned $87,000† in Shaklee bonuses.
Shaklee is a worldwide family and we look forward to more and more family members also reaching Presidential Master. Here’s to all the places we will go together – just don’t quit on yourself, push through, believe in yourself and become the leader you were meant to be!
†The average annual income in 2010 ranged from $10,416 for Directors to $558,143 for Presidential Master Coordinators. Average annual income for each rank is calculated monthly based on information reported on Form 1099-MISC for all U.S. Business Leaders who achieved the rank that month. The sum of these monthly averages is the figure reported. Results will vary with effort. Shaklee Corporation does not guarantee that any particular income level will be achieved.